Abamune 300 MG : Buy Abacavir Tablets

Abamune 300 is used as part of an anti-HIV drug regimen for treating HIV-1. One tablet consists of abacavir sulfate, equivalent to 300 mg of abacavir. The drug should be supplemented with other antiretroviral drugs to prevent the development of HIV-1 before AIDS.

Dosage and Administration

The recommended oral dose for adults infected with HIV-1 is one Abamune 300 mg tablet twice daily along with other antiretroviral drugs. Unlike many anti-HIV drugs, no dosage adjustment is required for patients with renal complications. Patients aged three months to 16 years can take 8mh / kg twice a day. Patients with mild hepatic impairment, defined as having Child-Pugh scores of 5 to 6, should only take 200 mg twice a day. Abamune can be taken with or without food.


Patients with abacavir hypertension and patients with moderate or severe liver failure should not take Abamune.

Warnings and Precautions

If hypersensitivity to abacavir cannot be ruled out, the drug should be discontinued forever. Anyone taking Abamune who is prone to liver disease may have a greater risk of hepatotoxicity and lactic acidosis. Special precautions are necessary when prescribing Abamune to elderly patients. There is a possibility of cross-resistance when taking this drug in combination with other NRTIs.

Drug Interactions

It is proved that this drug does not affect the isoforms of cytochrome P450, so the likelihood of Abamune interacting with drugs that are metabolized along these routes is negligible.

Pregnancy and lactation

In laboratory tests on pregnant animals, Abamune 300 drug has been shown to increase the likelihood of birth defects. Human studies on the risk of birth defects in pregnant women taking this drug have not yet been conducted, but the benefits of taking Abamune benefits may justify use in pregnant women. Mothers with HIV should avoid breastfeeding because of the possibility of transmitting HIV to their children.


No known antidotes to abacavir have been discovered, and it is not known whether dialysis can remove this drug. Do not take more tablets than prescribed.

Before using Abamune, please understand and agree to the following items before use.

1) Further efficacy and safety data are being collected, including clinical trials on abacavir.
2) Abacavir is not a cure for HIV infection and may continue to develop diseases associated with the development of HIV infection, including opportunistic infections. Report all to your doctor.
3) Hypersensitivity has been reported after taking Abacavir and it has been reported to be rarely fatal. Fever, rash, fatigue, malaise, gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g., nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain) and respiratory symptoms (dyspnea, sore throat, cough) If this occurs, immediately report it to your doctor and ask if you should stop taking Abamune. Also, always carry a card that is sensitive to hypersensitivity.
4) Reuse of Abacavir can cause severe or fatal hypersensitivity within hours. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before taking any Abacavir-containing preparations again after you have stopped taking Alabaman. If you change your doctor or medical facility, tell your new doctor that you have a history of taking Abacavir.
5) It has not been proven whether current anti-HIV therapies, including Abamune, reduce the risk of HIV transmission to others through sexual contact or blood contamination.

・ As a result of the pharmacokinetic study in patients with mild hepatic impairment, pharmacokinetics were affected, but the recommended dose for these people is not clear. Therefore, please take these people carefully. In addition, pharmacokinetics in people with moderate hepatic disorder has not been studied, so it is recommended not to use them, but please take it with caution, especially when necessary.
In our online pharmacy you can buy Abamune price of $80 from the manufacturer Cipla Ltd. Before using a medicine under the brand name Abamune read the instructions and consult your healthcare provider.
